Experience a French-language program that nurtures high level bilingualism and academic excellence in Ontario.

Why choose a Providence school?
Our 23 elementary schools combine the best programs in the province, an impressive selection of extracurricular activities and a tight-knit community to help each student flourish.
Our devoted staff also empowers young people to develop healthy self-esteem and feel comfortable at school starting in junior kindergarten.
Living and learning in both official languages is a major advantage for your child’s future academic and professional growth.

Focus on academic excellence
A program geared towards your child’s success, with guidance and support to score well above average on provincial tests. In fact, Csc Providence ranks 1st among all French and English school boards in Ontario, with a graduation rate of 97.9%.
A 100% Francophone environment where students can prepare for further studies or employment in English or French, thanks to fluent bilingualism and strong ties to the Franco-Ontarian community.

Core Catholic
Teaching grounded in a Christian worldview of compassion, generosity and openness to the world, aiming to develop genuine respect for oneself and one’s neighbour.
Open House Events!
Thursday, January 25 - 6pm
Discover your neighbourhood school
Select the school you’re interested in and click on the Visit my school button to register for one of our Open House Events, discover 360-degree images of the school, look at a staff presentation or book a personal visit with the school principal.
Ready to register?
Go to our online platform
If you already have a child enrolled in one of our schools, please log in to your account. Otherwise, click on the Begin registration button below to create an account on our secure platform.
Complete the online registration form
Our admissions team will contact you as soon as the registration form has been submitted on our platform. We’ll get to know you and confirm a few details, like admission requirements and your choice of school.
Complete the application
Our admissions team will assist you in confirming and submitting your application.

Please note that you must use a desktop computer or your cell phone/tablet browser in desktop mode to complete and submit the registration form.

Register later
You will receive an email
with information to register
at your convenience.
Email *
Nouvellement arrivé au Canada?
Désireux de toujours offrir le plus d’occasions possible de solidarité et de partage au sein de la communauté, nous offrons, en collaboration avec les services communautaires, un service d’accueil et d’intégration pour les élèves nouvellement arrivés au Canada et leurs familles.
Services offerts :
- Rencontres individuelles avec les élèves et leurs familles
- Orientation des élèves et de leurs parents pour leur permettre de s’adapter au système scolaire ontarien et à la vie au Canada
- Ateliers d’information destinés aux parents, tuteurs ou tutrices
- Sessions de formation pour le personnel des écoles
- Aide dans l’interprétation culturelle pour les parents et le personnel des écoles
- Références des familles nouvellement arrivées vers les différents services d’établissements qui existent dans la communauté.
Nous offrons également deux programmes spécifiquement conçus pour assurer l’accueil, l’intégration et, de ce fait, la réussite scolaire des élèves nouveaux arrivants :
- Programme d’appui aux nouveaux arrivants (PANA)
- École-pivot
Pour plus d’informations au sujet de ces programmes, veuillez consulter la page concernant les services pour nouveaux arrivants sur le site Web du conseil.